Monday, September 1, 2008 and I-tunes U

I have spent considerable time spinning my wheels at ("Ideas worth spreading"), which offers free access to "inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers" to the general public. It's like attending the granddaddy of all conferences on every topic you love whenever you want!

I've been thinking about the power of this type of digital media production in both academic and community settings. I'm sure there are programs out there doing this, and I'm sure I'd not be the first to think of it, but wouldn't it be great if a community could call upon its high school or university to have students come out and record digitally events like poetry readings, lectures, dramatic and musical performances, etc. and make them available in a TED-like format to the community and the world-at-large? Even better, the students can train community members to record their own events and have a lending library of portable equipment.

It would be easy to tie this in to the Governor's Challenge Podcasting Tournament hosted by the Digital Media Sandbox Consortium (better hurry if you want to be a judge!) and to manage it through I-tunes U. Have you checked out I-tunes U? To find it, go into your I-tunes Store and check the left hand side of the screen for a link. East Tennessee State University has a particularly stellar collection of digital media available there.

If anyone is aware of similar academic technology programs that are tied to community, I'd love to hear about them.


John Connell said...

One realy cool aspect of iTunesU, Tess, is the little link on the left hand side to 'Beyond Campus' - this is in its early days but could become just as important as the main part when it gets going.

digiTenn said...

Thanks for this tip! I am actually quite new to I-tunes and I-tunes U ... when I first discovered podcasting I fell quickly into several radio shows that keep me quite busy! I appreciate your comment!